Good to see ya 😉

Jay here. Hope we meet soon.

I’ve worn many shoes.

Tried many, MANY different things.  (most FLOPPED)

You ever “try stuff” and fail like I have?

Yeah?  Sounds like we’d get along, lol.

But 24 years ago, I stumbled onto something good.

(holy moly I feel old, jeeesh)

Allow myself to introduce. . .myself:  (Austin Powers fan?  No? Ok, I’m a dork.)

jay kibbee real estate

I read that most millionaires made their money (& created a legacy). . .in Real Estate.

That appealed to me.

I was broke AND wanted kids.

I wanted to make MONEY.

To be like my Dad and work for myself.

Build something I’d be proud of.

(I really mean, something HE’d be proud of)

Most importantly. . .

I wanted to learn a Cool skill, something to do with my daughter.

To pass along “knowledge” and a skill NO ONE could ever take away from her!

(Chloe is 21 now and studies architecture…atta girl Chlo

So, many moons before Chloe, I was up watchin’ TV.

(I love tv (Breaking Bad, Goliath…and yeah, Outlander too (thanks Amy) 

. . . I know, I’ll never be successful ’cause I watch tv.

I’d heard a man say “Tired of working for someone else?”

Just so happens, “Yes I am!”

Wanna learn how to make 3 Thousand bucks or more from Old, Ugly houses?”

I thought: “Hey, this city has plenty of those!”

.So I scribbled the phone # on a past-due credit card envelope, and went to bed.

Woke up the next day and thought: “Today, I bet on ME.”

Grabbed my flip-phone (don’t…just don’t) and called.

“Yeah, I want to order the CashFlow Generator Kit please.”

(not sold anymore, by the way)

198 smackers and 11 days later, it arrived.

Felt like Christmas.

It felt, right.  Like I had a new vision, purpose again.

The training was on 4 casette tapes . . .what?

I must’ve worn those things out, listening Over and Over.

I memorized every word Ron said and what-to-do. . .

and, I DID IT!

Ron was right. (even though I was skeptical).

I made $2,650 on my 1st house deal.

Coolest feeling in the world…wheeew!

I was a KING that day.

Noooobody was gonna stop me now.

(shoulda made $6K, but I made one dumb (ez to avoid) mistake.

Hey, this was all new to me.

(more training or guidance woulda saved me $3350 on that 1st deal).

Stupid. Stupid. Supid.

But wow, I learned a TON!

Wanna know the #1 thing I took from it all?

And it wasn’t the check I held in my hands for what felt like 3 days…

(although my wife was thrilled).  

It was the feeling of FREEDOM!

It was the “knowing” that I could go out and replace my job.

It was knowing that the next time my jerk*** boss pulled another stunt. . .

I’d let ’em know what I thought.

120 hours workin’ for him? . . . to make the SAME dough, pffft, no brainer.

And the 30 ounce prime rib I ordered to celebrate?

Sometimes I can still taste it!

Hot, sooo juicy it bled into my garlic mash.

Paid off the pesky Discover card (wheeew, no longer their biotch).

and yeah, did some shoe shopping too.

What would you do?

That’s a good question to ask yourself.

“Am I here for the money?

or something COOL to do alongside my spouse, my son/daughter?”

(most peeps I talk to, wanna Escape the 9 to 5)

I love helping people do that.

Picking up the rewards sure do feel nice 😉

assign real estate contract

Ok, it’s a little one, but it’s enough to send Amy & I to Thailand in Sept.

It also paid my Verizon, Electric, Gas and Water bills for a while!

. . .and repair my sister’s Pontiac G8 (siblings, right? lol)

Oh, and  I never even met the Seller, nor the Buyer.

Can I tell ya another SECRET? 

. . .I never even left my house.

You read that right.

They’re not all quite THAT easy, but . . .

I’ll show you how to do this real estate stuff if you’re interested?

1.  Using NO money

2.  No credit (why use loans?)

3.  No experience (I’ll hold your hand virtually)

4.  Zero risk  (when you do it my way)

That goes for Wholesaling Real Estate & my 3-PayDay Strategy.

(3 checks on 1 deal . . .yep!)

By the way, those 3-PayDay deals?  

. . .there are WAAAY MORE of those than a 1-check wholesale deal!

The real estate Formula for success hides in  5 simple steps.

1.  Find Sellers

2.  Make sure it’s a DEAL

3.  Make an Offer.  (this is where the FUN starts)

4.  Follow-up  (some Sellers need to “think about it”)

5.  Close and Get paid.  (my FAVE!)

Nothin’ beats walkin’ into that Office like I’m a King . . .

and walkin’ out with a big FAT check as the sunshine from a beautiful Friday hits my face!)

Mmmm, mmm, m!

“Before you ask if this works in your area.”

YES, this works in any city.

It actually works for anyone willing to listen & apply my 5 steps.

Kinda weird, huh? lol

It WORKS, if YOU work at it.

But I’m not here to convince you to do anything.

Of course it takes some work.

(anything worthwhile does, right?)

I don’t Hard sell you or anyone.  No thanks.

We’ll just chat about your situation, see IF I’m the right guy for ya.

If it’s not for you?

No hard feelings.  

(that back button doesn’t care if you succeed or fail)

but, if you’re ready for the next step?

Know that I work my bootay off for ya.

‘Cause when you win, I win. 

(click the Chat button . . .bottom right corner)

Seem fair to you?

Always in your corner,


WHOLESALING = Sign a purchase agreement with a Seller, then "Assign" that agreement to a 3rd-party Buyer for MORE than you are paying.

Money NOW (1 check)

A wholesale deal produces ONE CHECK and you’re done.  On to the next deal.  (quick and simple)

3-PAYDAY DEAL (explained)
Takeover payments from a Seller, then place a Buyer in the house on "Terms", then collect 3 checks...

Money NOW



We DO NOT do the deal unless we get $ upfront…PERIOD!  My proven script (sent via text/email) weeds out those who can’t put up the money we want!


Once those monthly “spread checks” start coming in, you’ll get hooked and WANT MORE!  (details in your Training)

The Money LATER…doesn’t always happen with the 1st buyers, but OMG, that allows for yet another PAYDAY! (you’ll see in your Training).  When Money LATER happens, it’s the BIG PAYDAY.

You will learn & use BOTH strategies.
DOUBLES the # of deals you can do.


Skeptical? START HERE
FREE Lifetime
  • FULL Video Training
  • Get Paid $500 per Deal
  • Paid Within 7 Days
  • Email Support Only
  • Lifetime Access


25% Profit Split
$ 497 One-Time Deposit
*Returned on your 1st deal
  • FULL Video & LIVE Training
  • Earn 25% of Each Deal
  • Paid Within 3 Days
  • Unlimited Email/Phone Support
  • ALL Scripts & Agreements
  • Lifetime Access
25% Partner


50% Profit Split
$ 1497 One-Time Deposit
*Returned on your 1st deal
  • FULL Video & LIVE Training
  • Earn 50% of Each Deal
  • Paid Same Day
  • Unlimited Phone/Text Support
  • ALL Scripts, Agreements & The famous "1-page DEAL INSURANCE POLICY" form.
  • Lifetime Access
50% partner

My goal for you is to have you earning Job-Quitting money within your 1st 60-90 days and I vow to work with you as much as you need to get you there.  When You Win, I Win, let’s go!